Saturday, June 25, 2011

Modelling Agency #9

“I quit,” Maya says, back at the agency.

“What, now?” Asks Mr. Agent curiously, “With your debut being so successful?”
Maya nods.  “I was happier in my old job.   Perhaps the possibilities that opened up to me clouded my judgment,” she continues, slightly hanging her head humbly, “but often, seeking leads to deprivation, as it were.  I realise now that being seen as someone I’m not, by people who expect things of me I cannot give, is terribly unfulfilling.”
Mr. Agent nods distractedly.  “All right, fair enough, fair enough.  We do appreciate your time, thank you, Ms. Maya.” He opens the door for Maya.
But Ms. Agent coughs politely.  She walks up and hands Maya a check.
“You’re still giving her that?” Mr. Agent exclaims, but a look from Ms. Agent shuts him up.
Maya gulps.  “I… I didn’t do anything.  How can I…” The check crumples in her fingers as she worries.

Ms. Agent immediately hands her another check.  “Oh, you have backups,” Maya says.  This time, Maya reads it past the figure.  It was signed by ‘Esther’, along with a little note that said ‘don’t come back’.  Maya reluctantly accepts it and walks out.

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