Dropped off, Maya walks the rest of the way talking to herself, like what always happens in cartoons, striding on adorably small feet. “Should be fine. Should be fine.”
Just as she reaches the door, a girl walks out, sobbing quietly. “Should be fine.”
“Ah! So glad you could make it! Ready to get some pictures taken?” Mr. Agent greets. Maya looks around. Far off, the photographer gives her a nod.
Maya gulps. “Um,” Maya hesitates.
“If you want something, just say so,” Kimiya echoes within Maya’s brain.
“Sir…” Maya twiddles her thumbs, “will I have to work with men in the room with me?”
Mr. Agent’s smile flickered. However, Ms. Agent promptly walks to the photographer to whisper in his ear. He walks out, leaving the camera, though with effort trying to show no annoyance. Ms. Agent takes over the camera.
Ms. Agent claps her hands twice. A crowd of women with a ridiculous assortment of lights and makeup zips around Maya. Mr. Agent, the only man in the room, backs uncertainly. “Well, good luck, Miss Maya!” He says, as he takes his leave.
The women go to work on Maya’s features. “Thank you,” Maya says to Ms. Agent, who gives her a rare smile.
Cuts to Maya leaving the office. “So how did they come out?” Mr. Agent asks, reaching for the film. However, Ms. Agent pretends not to hear him and constantly keeps the pictures out of his reach.
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